Sunday, October 12, 2008

Soup's On with rogueApron!

It's been a crazy couple of weeks; lines of cars waiting hours just to get a few gallons of gas, the worst week in the history of Wall Street, all in the midst of a heated presidential election.

So, with the economy in the dumps and the world in a tailspin, Lady Rogue wanted to bring everyone together to share a warm bowl of tasty soup and good conversation on a Saturday afternoon in the park.

As she put it on her site:

"I’m not an economist. I can’t understand or fix the problems. But what we can do is come together as a community to share a meal. It’s a simple act, but it shatters preconceptions. We can change what we do. We can change how we act. We can connect with each other on a local level, and come up with solutions to make the lives of our neighbors fundamentally better."

I'm no economist, either, but I can certainly enjoy good soup and invigorating conversation!

To get to the park with the pots of soup warm and ready, we had to to walk a bit down a clandestine pathway.

to the right of the sign

down the stairs

through the underpass

head right toward the swings

down the path to rogueApron!

At the registration table, we were greeted with a pumpkin spice infused vodka. It was good and, as usual, super strong!

don't be a hero and try to have more than one, it's more potent than you think!

There were four endless soup options: Organic butternut sqaush, Pancetta, Porcini, & Pistou Minestrone, Mama's Portuguese Vegetable Stew, and Lemongrass & Corn soup.

(left to right) minestrone, butternut squash, vegetable stew, and lemongrass corn

We tried everything but the lemongrass soup only due to time constraints. (We had to get back to the Halloweenie so that Katie could participate in the race!)

the delicious bread was perfect for sopping up the soup remnants!

The winner of the most creative soup bowl was awarded postcards created by Katie Kaiser.
(But, anyone can pick them up at Urban Cottage!)

For dessert, Lenox Cupcakes donated some delicious treats for the guests to partake in.

There was a good crowd at the event. Lady Rogue told us that around 100 people RSVPed! Even dogs were invited to join the fun.

Katie mingles with Extraface's dogs, Toofis & Max

B. told me that, after we left, people broke out the bean bags and began playing corn hole. Ugh, if only I could be in two places at once.

If you'd like to attend the next rogueApron event, go to the website and sign up for the mailing list. And don't sit on the email when you get it - sign up immediately. Lady Rogue told me that past events have sold out in just 15 minutes!

(Curious about the previous events? Click here for my post on the last rogueApron event, here for my post on the fourth event or here for my post on the third event. I've also got pictures from the second event here and Extraface's pictures from rogueApron's debut are here.)

1 comment:

hannahamick said...


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Thank you!