Thursday, December 4, 2008

Madonna for Louis Vuitton!

I am really excited that Madonna is going to be in the new campaign for Louis Vuitton- it is going to be amazing. Apparently this idea was randomly blurted out by Marc Jacobs during a meet and he texted Madonna to see if she would consider. According to reports, in less than 5 minutes, she wrote back "I'd love to." How cool would it be to get a text from MJ!!!
Click here to read the article in today's Women's Wear Daily.

Ugg.. I LOVE these pics! Word is that the campaign will have a very Parisian theme. I can't decide which I want more, the shoes or that bag. I'm thinking shoes...


ETK said...

Oh. My. God. i must have that bag. And the shoes are HOT!!!!!!!!!!


Lauren said...

That's funny - I think it would be the coolest thing to get a text from Madonna!!!